
SEYGO Tour 2024 Summer Go Festival

Zaostrog, Hrvatska
Aug 17- Aug 24, 2024


10. July 2024: Svečano schedule of activities of Summer Go Festival has been published.

8th July 2024: The participants who register for all camp activities before 11th July 2024 will get the SEYGO shirt of their size for free. SEYGO Vouchers shall be at least 200 EUR for each age group, divided by first three players.  

9th April 2024: Participants in the SEYGO Tour event and accompanying persons should fill the SEYGO Registration Form. The shortcut for participants in Zaostrog Open: Zaostrog Open Registration Form 

2nd April 2024: We are announcing that the 6th Summer Go Festival will be held between 17th August 2024 (arrival on Saturday) and 24th August 2024 (departure on Saturday). We are again to the hostel Sisak Zaostrog (a great terrace and footbal/basketball playing field next to the most beautiful beach). The best way to see what is it about is to watch the videos from the first event (2019) and the last one (2023):

O projektu SEYGO Tour

SEYGO Europska serija go turnira za mlade is a long-term project started in 2019, which focuses on organizaciju natjecanja u Gou za europske mlade igrače.. Od 2021. godine, imamo dvije dobne skupine: do 12 godina i do 18 godina. Projekt je pokrenut zbog toga što Europskoj go zajednici nedostaju go turniri za mlade. Posljedica je smanjenje interesa za Go u većini europskih zemalja, jer je za uspješan razvoj Goa kao sporta potrebav veći broj novih igrača. Putem serije turnira koji su kvalitetno organizirani, cilj projekta je podizanje broja početnika kao i broja jakih mladih igrača koj će se boriti za trofeje, medalje i titule.


Detaljan opis projekta SEYGO nalazi se na službenoj mrežnoj stranici Europske Go Federacije:


Please follow the official SEYGO webpage for information about other SEYGO events in 2024.

Zaostrog 2023 Group Photo
Zajednička fotografija - Zaostrog 2021
Plutajući go - Zaostrog 2020
SEYGO - Zaostrog 2019